I started a thread named “how to manage student debt” on SDN yesterday AM. It had been quite a roller coaster ride as I was initially received by lots of cynicism, animosity, and name calling… But because numbers speak for
My American Dream
I remember visiting my aunt May as kid and staying in her mansion in the US. I was awed and stunned in many ways. Sitting at the pool side, with my feet dangling in the crisp cool water, I said
If you don’t stretch your credit, it ain’t gonna grow.
Use it or lose it; my personal take on this idiom: stretch it and grow it. First of all, divide your credit history into “need it” vs. “don’t need it” phases. When you “need your credit,” you want your absolute highest
How I fixed my once BAD & SMALL credit.
I had bad credit once. Someone used my name to open an utility account in San Francisco and decided to leave a $3 balance causing delinquency. I was not aware of it until I pull my annual FREE credit report
Less is More when it comes to USMLE prep
In this day and age of information explosion, most of us have TOO many instead of too few study resources at our finger tips. Having too many resources is not innocuous, it actually can be detrimental to your success, as