The Monday Muse aims to serve as a weekly booster for our financial fitness, setting the tone of a successful week in all areas of our lives. With so many wonderful writers/bloggers sharing their experiences and insights, I frequently feel like yelling out their articles from the top of my lungs, so everyone could hear and benefit from these priceless lessons.
Each Monday Muse will share several articles I’ve read recently and found inspiring, instructional, & actionable: mostly in personal finances, but could also be pertinent to other areas of our lives. After all, our lives are not as compartmentalized as we thought. If various aspects of our lives are truly that segregated from one other, why would financial stress cause burn-out in physicians?
So here you go, I’m on the top of my little DWM mountain, shouting out to you. Enjoy!
This week’s Monday Muse (5/23/16):
20 Steps to Effective DIY Investing by my new #1 favorite blogger PoF
Annually Renewable Term Insurance by my all time mentor WCI
The Costs of Being a Doctor by Ahmed Yousaf M.D. on NEJM
37 Things That Separate Financially Secure Individuals From The Pack by medschoolfinancials
Net Worth Update (April 2016) by my comrade blogger WCM

Off you go, to great places, doing great things this week!
-DWM & Mini
DWM, I echo the sentiment shared by PoF, and appreciate your adding MedSchool Financial to the list of Inspiring, Instructional and Actionable Blogs on Wise Money’s Monday Muse. Proud to be part of a great cohort of fellow financial bloggers.
Dr. J
Thank you! I’m grateful to have inspiring comrades like you alongside in our common cause for greater awareness of financial matters.
Honored to be included in the inaugural Monday Muse. Thank you, DWM!
Anytime, PoF, you are an inspiration and mentor to me!