[Passive Income M.D. has great insights to add to the physician blogger scene. Enjoy his guest post below! We have no financial relationship.] As physicians, we’ve all felt the crushing weight of the almighty student loan. Some have felt it
You can read Meet PETE here. You can read PETE Q&A PT 1 here. FYI, with my current 228k fed loan, my daily interest dollars are $33, which makes it $1,000 interest accruing monthly, roughly. [when you graduate, the interest you
DWM First Net Worth Update Since 2015 January (on White Coat Investor)
Welcome to the first DWM Net Worth Update. This is inspired by my great friend/ colleague/ fellow blogger Future Proof MD. He’s such a smart and organized dude that I decide to use his template for my net worth updates
Credit Card Companies Offer Credit Watch, Free!
The era of having to pay $19.99/mo to monitor credit score & activities is gone! Credit card companies are offering free credit score and selective credit activity details let & right. One can get great sense of his/her credit health
Financial Heroes: WCI, the Godfather of Physician-Money-Blogger

Since joining the FI (Financial Independence) community, every day I’m discovering more awesome blogs to learn from. So I decided to start a series of guest posts under the “Financial Hero Series.” I got the idea from PoF’s Christopher Guest Post.