Home Mortgage: 4th Time is A Charm!

Home Mortgage: 4th Time is A Charm!

After purchasing my 1st home as MS4, refinancing it as PGY1, then attempting to refinance it as PGY2, I’m now preparing to purchase my 2nd home. Honestly, working with so many mortgage officers over a spectrum of mortgage companies in the

The Cost of Buying 2 Homes in 2 Years.

This post is written a few months ago, prior to the transactions of selling 1st home and buying 2nd home have taken places. Actual figures approximate estimates below & will be updated once all finalized. Say what? DWM purchased 2 homes

A Mother’s Love & Pride Collide: DWM’s Letter to MWM

A Mother’s Love & Pride Collide: DWM’s Letter to MWM

This is a letter I wrote to MWM after watching her long-anticipated Aladdin (a school play performed by Sunrise Drive Elementary students), during which I felt my heart was wrenched.     Dearest sweetie pie, I love you. I realized

Living Richly Today: A More Relatable Dr. Wise Money

Living Richly Today: A More Relatable Dr. Wise Money

When my colleague/collaborator White Coat Money published my guest post: How I Contributed $23.5k to Roth IRA/Roth 403b in 2015 as PGY2, he began the post with this editorial caveat: The following post describes a task that requires significant financial

Website Round-Ups: Ethical Fashion, Global Style Picks

Website Round-Ups: Ethical Fashion, Global Style Picks

I shared a neat little coupon code from Threads for Thought I found in my email at the end of my post last week. That got me thinking.