2020 is going to be a year of gratitude, for me, and hopefully, many fortunate and introspective others.

I know, I know, I missed the first day of the year already. But fear not, thanks to February 29th, 2020, there are still 365 days to go (including today!).

Today I am traveling to SoCal to visit my parents. I am grateful for that!

I’m a touch under the weather.

Nightstand during recovery

(Yes, I am a horrible monster for getting on a plane, I’m sorry! I slept as much as I could and tried not to spread my germs any!)

But due to illness amplifying my innate laziness, I took out all the very little patience I have for packing by going single palette.


Now, stay tuned for what I’m grateful for tomorrow! (Given that I’ve now arrived in southern California aka the land of plenty [of asian cuisine], I’m pretty sure it’ll be food.) Good bye for a day– (I hope), squirrel friends.

I’m trying… 365 Days of Gratitude!
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