This is a late entry for January 3rd, for which I missed the deadline by 2 hours and change (assuming midnight PST cutoff). In my defense I had gone out to dinner, then when I returned my mom practically met me at the door with cupping therapy in an effort to combat my cough from a recent cold. When the session concluded it was past 11p and I had to go to sleep to stop feeling excrutiating pain.
At any rate, I had much to be grateful for on January 3rd!

We went to a Korean supermarket and I found a convenient, ice cream’ed (as in, when they improve a well know sweet treat by pumping it full of ice cream) version of one of my favorite desserts.

My cousin took me to Burke Williams and I had a real facial for the first time in my life. It was a great experience. I’m honestly too cheap and skiddish around strangers to make spa-going a habit, but I’m glad I exercised open-mindedness, had a good time, and was spoiled rotten for a spell! (I didn’t buy either of the products recommended by my aesthetician, either. I’m sorry Audrey! I need to save luggage space for food!)
Other highlights: I went to a place called Tpumps for the first time, and got to customize my own drink from start to finish!
We then went a few doors down (to Nothing Bundt Cakes) and purchased a dozen mini bundt cakes for my mom’s dinner party tomorrow night (tonight). This was another place I’ve never been before.
We had hotpot for dinner with my cousin’s lovely friend (creep her Insta here), and I ate my top favorite food basking in the company of wonderful women.
To top off my day, well, sadly I’ve not been rid of my cough but my mom tried and that’s what counts! See you in the next, kitty kats.