I know, I was having second thoughts, and then promptly stopped updating, ha! I decided that laying in bed at night, dawdling on my phone, trying to sound like a blog post until I either finished or fell asleep, was not a good use of my time. So I switched over to what I’m calling a “3 minute journal.” Right now I spend one minute writing down: 1) what I’m grateful for, 2) what to affirm, and 3) what to improve. The point of affirmation is to examine my intentions and reaffirm positive ones. I’ve been with this format for the last few days, and I think I’ll change the affirmation to something more goal/task oriented.

While I value introspection regarding one’s own intentions, I think that I’ll benefit more from setting down a few things to tackle for the next day. I already journal by keeping a “have done” list daily. It’s something I’ve done for years. I find that it motivates me to get more things done so I can add them to my list of accomplished tasks. I prefer it to a “to do” list that can sometimes feel daunting and insurmountable and cause procrastination for me. That said, I suspect jotting down one or two things for the next day can help orient each day.
So that’s where I’m at, onward then!