We know now that in order not to overwhelm our healthcare system and hospitals, anyone who is able to, should do their best to self-quarantine. Staying at home as much as we can is a matter of social responsibility to the elderly and immunocompromised in our communities as well as our overworked and under-equipped healthcare providers.
That said, not everyone loves being at home as much as I do. So here are some ideas.
Things you can do everyday:
- read
- journal/write/blog (insert cheeky, winky face)
- craft/draw/paint
- jigsaw puzzles
- crosswords/sodoku/adult coloring books
- check your plants
i finally potted my props that had already rooted in water, and started this batch of goji cuttings - cook/bake/play “the pantry game” (instead of making unnecessary trips to the store or worse, engaging in hoarding/panic buying, try to get creative with ingredients you already have/pantry staples)
- check in on family and friends via calls, texts and social media
- catch up on shows/video games
- look for the good news amid the dual threat of inaction and panic– here are some I found:
- zoos are live streaming during quarantine
- digital giants actively combat spread of misinformation
- chef Jose Andres converting his temporarily shuttered restaurants into soup kitchens for the areas’ needy
- Jack Ma’s twitter that is regularly updated with donations his team has planned and deployed
- yoga/meditate/body weight fitness
- play with/train your pet
If I’m being honest we went right to annoying them with costumes instead - practice how to sew, take on “visible mending” projects for pieces with little holes or stains that you can cover up with beautiful embroidery
- play with makeup/nail polish
- disinfect high touch/use surfaces
- wash your hands
- complete you small home improvement items
One thing I have noticed changing in myself since going into voluntary semi-lockdown, is that I have an increase in energy levels. Luckily this is not restless, stir-crazy energy. It’s just that frequent errands, public outings and social interactions drained me, so now I have more energy from staying home extensively. For that reason I chose to cancel our weekly cleaning ahead of PA Governor Tom Wolf ordering all nonessential businesses to shutter temporarily. Instead I am cleaning one area of my home everyday, taking Saturday and Sunday off, and scheduling my areas such that all trash is out by the night before weekly trash collection. Our house is by no means so large that I couldn’t just clean it in one go, but I’m being more thorough while taking care not to feel overwhelmed. It’s working out for me, and, it’s a free workout!
That said, if you wanted to tackle deep cleaning your living space in a day or two, more power to ya! Here are some other projects:
- declutter
- your bookshelves
- closet(s)
- bathrooms
- kitchen
- hobby spaces
The Boy is an electronics/gadgets and photography enthusiast and by going through his hobby collection, we’ve now set up a photo box to list redundancies for sale!
- Learn
- an instrument
- language
- hobby
- Challenge
- set a fitness goal: I’m working on improving my flexibility and being able to do a full side split by year end!
- set a reading goal: mine is 48 books in 2020
- Give
- if you are young and in good health (relatively low risk), you can sign up to run errands like shopping or dog walking for neighbors who are higher risk, check your local Facebook group or the app Next Door to connect with those in need
- or, volunteer from home! join coronavirusarmy.org
- as before, there is always Lifeline, so connect with your local crisis center to explore the possibility of volunteering from home
Stay well and we’ll see one another soon!