When we last left Heller & Wallace they’d just started getting out from under the bed & showing me love.
In fact I thought they would always lovingly embrace & groom each other for all of timeBut on day three it became clear they were Spicy Bois. Other spicy behavior include biting for attention and trying to eat directly out of the kibble container. Seeing as they were fully out of their shells, we began the process to introduce the dogs. Here Wallace the Brave is looking at Abbie.Lizzie stares into the transitional cat room at nothing because the cats did not wish to be looked at & she is coming on too strong.Wallace gets closer within the day.
Then as of this morning we had a successful escape in which we found out these Slender Bois can in fact slip through the gate! Wallace the Escapee was roundly sniffed by Abbie & then escorted back to his temporary accommodations in my arms.
In the afternoon I built their new poop palace & of course it was thoroughly inspected before it even met completion.
In other, much less exciting news. My first foray into reselling was a resounding failure. The only sale I made turned out to be to a scammer so I had to cancel. I’m leaving town tomorrow to visit our Mini so shelving the resell project once again for hopefully not long, at least not as long as 5 years!