So, this is pretty antithetical to my old role (sale finder!) when this blog was still under Amanda’s helm, but today, after many of us have given our thanks yesterday no less, I would like to urge any readers out
5 Year Non-Review
This November there seems to be nothing to say. – Anne Sexton That covers it I guess. Some links: something else I’d written earlier this month the 4 year review 3 years and Thanksgiving Two Year Review (that was several
November Always Is Not Easy
November always is not easyMany poets have remarked on this I will say, however, in fairnessIt’s not as though it was only ever windyor that the rain wouldn’t ceaseWe saw the sunWe saw the moonLight remainscreeping away earlier in the
About Us

About me,I once wrotethe animal that I am cannot shed teethas even snakes will onlypart with old skin I have, too, readabout how no one ownsthe hearts of birdsand like thatsaw myselffar up in the skyabout vanishing from sight And,about