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I have really been working on changing the way I spend (and save), and trying to take my time with each and every purchase so that I make deliberate, informed choices as much as possible. I had been doing quite well since the end of January. Yesterday I had a bad “cheat day”/”relapse” resulting in two big hauls. I’ll go over those in detail in my next spending breakdown, but I have reviewed and made note of how/why it happened and will work on actions to prevent it in the future.


After that I randomly came across this crowd-action pledge and immediately signed up for it. I already planned to get back on the horse and created actionable items to put into practice going forward, but finding this was a great morale boost. It’s really bolstering and refreshing to see other people on a similar path/with similar goals. I even signed up my close female cousin and a few friends. Today was such a good day 🙂


Poetry Ptuesday will resume in a week. Happy Tuesday, y’all.

I signed up for Slow Fashion Season 2019
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