365 Days of Gratitude: Day 3, or, Double Love.

Today I learned about Mini and Grandma’s (i.e. the mother of yours truly here) “double love”. Side note: a bit of background, my late sister Amanda’s Chinese name, Wu Shuang, plainly translated, meant “no double”. The phrase derives from “tian

365 Days of Gratitude: Day 2.

This is a late entry for January 3rd, for which I missed the deadline by 2 hours and change (assuming midnight PST cutoff). In my defense I had gone out to dinner, then when I returned my mom practically met

I’m trying… 365 Days of Gratitude!

2020 is going to be a year of gratitude, for me, and hopefully, many fortunate and introspective others. I know, I know, I missed the first day of the year already. But fear not, thanks to February 29th, 2020, there

Holiday Gifting – Ground Rules

I meant to write this post earlier, but as I’ve procrastinated for such a long time we’re now fully living in the “holiday shopping season” so we just have to get basic here. Numbered lists are our friends. 1. Re-gifting

3 Years and Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and for the first time in 3 years it’s not falling on or right before the anniversary of Amanda’s death. I think we all of us left are thankful for getting that break. This past year I’ve