I asked a few wise, seasoned, and revered radiologists, what is the minimum amount of work days per week a radiologist need to stay sharp in her trade? Average answer is 2 days per week. That’s the sweet balance I
5 Reasons to Not be a Doc, If You Wanna Be Rich.
Perhaps I’m preaching to the choir. It’s not hard to know that you are poor when you are in you 35 without a house, with a 20 year old Honda accord, without money in retirement savings, and with a student
5 Doctor-Proof Tips to Great Wealth: S.P.E.C.T.
Medicine is a profession of acronym, so here is one for your money and wealth. S.P.E.C.T. stands for Simple, Passive, Emotionless, Cheap, & Time. As physicians, we know our trade well, naturally, after spending an average of 23-27 years studying
Morbidly Obese & Morbidly Malnourished
Today, we did (6 moths ago) a fluoroscopic upper GI series on a patient, my age, who’s 700 lbs. I was so depressed when I saw her entire bare back with excess subcutaneous adipose tissue hanging in rolls behind her
3 Top Reasons Society Should Love Doctors More
Why do we rare hear of heroic cardiothoracic surgeon saving the life of patient with AAA rupture but we hear about doctor scandals with such as a M.D. overdosing from medication or another swindling cancer patients out of their