I started radiology residency full of hopes and dreams on July 1st, 2015. I thought radiologists are the happiest and nerdiest bunches of doctors in the whole hospital. Sipping coffee, listening to Pandora station in a precisely dimmed room (dark
Financial Heroes: WCI, the Godfather of Physician-Money-Blogger
Since joining the FI (Financial Independence) community, every day I’m discovering more awesome blogs to learn from. So I decided to start a series of guest posts under the “Financial Hero Series.” I got the idea from PoF’s Christopher Guest Post.
8 Ways to Reduce the Doctors Price Tag
1. Attend the cheapest medical school you can get in. Education is what you make of it. You have been a driven self-starter all your life to even survive as pre-med. Truly a good doc is a good doc, no
Medicine: The Ultimate Inhumane Pursuit of Humanity
One of my mentors whom I look up to in life recently announced her retirement, she wrote, “It’s time for me to take care of my loved ones and myself. I’ve delayed, de-prioritized, sacrificed those closest to me as I care
Landmines of Physician Home Purchase. (PMD1)
After purchasing my 1st home as MS4, refinancing it as PGY1, then attempting to refinance it as PGY2, I’m now preparing to purchase my 2nd home. Honestly, working with so many mortgage officers over a spectrum of mortgage companies in the