WCI (White Coat Investor) gave a lecture at our associated medical school today, geared towards residents and fellows. One very important question he asked the audience was along the line of “what percentage of your income do you plan to
In My Near future, PGY2…
Intern year is on a count down! I have 10 weeks of internal medicine wards left, after which I will be starting my dream specialty: radiology. I recently had a 1 week elective rotation in radiology. A couple pgy3 radiology residents
DWM’s parents
I love my parents. They’ve made me who I am from the day I was a fetus inside my mother’s belly. I would like to share a few wonderful things that my parents have taught me with their actions, words, and thoughts.
Match day: finding out where I will be for the next 6 years of my life.
No other profession go through something as crazy as the so called MATCH that doctors go through to find their first jobs right out of medical school. MATCH: a process that consists of numerous speed dating sessions between the job
My American Dream Part II “Budgeting”
This post is reader-inspired. She wrote, “Would like to see a post to help with me with my American dream…on how to establish a monthly budget, and keep to it, in a way that is practical but not restrictive? seriously,