I recently stumbled upon Overcome FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in 7 Steps by finance superhero. I was enlightened by this article and decided to write about the ways I personally combat FOMO. FOMO is likely the most prevalent psycho-social
6 $ Tips I Would Tell Dear Older Me
After I wrote about 6 $ Tips I Would Tell Dear Younger Me, I thought I should write to my future self too. If it’s true that we learned everything we needed to learn in life as kindergartners, then I would thank
6 $ Tips I Would Tell Dear Younger Me
I love the song Dear younger me by Mercy Me. “Dear younger me I cannot decide Do I give some speech about how to get the most out of your life Or do I go deep And try to change
Money Chased Me the Second I Stopped Chasing
I was great at chasing. Anything I chased, I got. Go-getter as they called it. I picked my best friend(s), I picked my career in medicine, I picked specialty and residency programs (as they also picked me), I picked and
Top 5 Ways Yoga Helps Make Me a Millionaire
After a decade of hardly exercising, I decided to take care of my health at last. I started a 30 day yoga challenge, doing home yoga practice with YouTube instructor the same time I started recording “30 Day Mindful Financial