My favorite credit cards!

There are as many credit card options as toothpaste flavors in the supermarket. The perks they offer, when you use them responsibly, can stretch your hard earned dollar and help you build net worth (pay off debt sooner/ leverage 0% interest

Christmas, a gift that keeps on giving!

Are you scratching your head for gift ideas? For most of us, we have everything we need. It is increasingly hard to come up with gifts that really add value to one’s life. Does my kid need yet another toy?

1 million for 1 dollar a day.

Does anyone other than yourself depend on your income? Do you have children? Do you have aging parents you wish to care for? Do you have a significant other you are supporting? In the event of death, do you wish to

Investment portfolio

My investment portfolio is stupid simple and passive. I buy the US stock market and hold for at least 3 decades. 100% stocks for now, will re-balance as my risk tolerance decreases with age/nearing retirement. I know of an financially

Physician Debt and Net Worth Report 2015

This reports surveyed nearly 20,000 doctors across 26 specialties with margin of error <1%.* Two slides I found particularly informative are: Physicians’ Net Worth by Age “Over 90% of physicians younger than 28 years of age were worth less than $500,000. Net