Residency: The financial bitter-sweet spot

Many of my colleagues see residency as the hardest financial years because student debt of 300-400k is compounding away at 6-9% annual income is about 50k-70k depending post-graduate-year work hours are long: 80+hrs/wk there is no money, after monthly expenses, to

My American Dream Part II “Budgeting”

This post is reader-inspired. She wrote, “Would like to see a post to help with me with my American dream…on how to establish a monthly budget, and keep to it, in a way that is practical but not restrictive? seriously,

FICO score simulator, awesome tool!

I recently found this tool available to me at my experian account. Pretty useful! Much of what I learned through years of experiences/self education are summarized AND simulated in this tool. Wished that I had this earlier, so I’m eager to

My Student Doctor Network Debut

I started a thread named “how to manage student debt” on SDN yesterday AM. It had been quite a roller coaster ride as I was initially received by lots of cynicism, animosity, and name calling… But because numbers speak for

If you don’t stretch your credit, it ain’t gonna grow.

Use it or lose it; my personal take on this idiom: stretch it and grow it. First of all, divide your credit history into “need it” vs. “don’t need it” phases. When you “need your credit,” you want your absolute highest