How credit card companies compete to save me interest on student loans :)

With my income of 50k as a medical intern, there is just NO WAY I can pay my student loan down as aggressively as I have been. I graduated from medical school with 51k of student loan. How in the world

#1 Financial rule I lived by in med school

  Minimize and delay borrowing student loans as much as possible Goes without saying, the more you delay the onset of loan origination and associated fees, the more you delay interest ballooning. Time value of money is against as when someone

Posts to come, tell me which ones you want the most!

Minimize Debt for all: $10k student loan after $1/2 mil post secondary education.  Near zero net worth after getting 400k medical degree in May 2014. Net positive college grad. To B or not to B: bankruptcy vs. forgiveness. Why I don’t have to wait for

Do it right; so you need No forgiveness-Part II

5 reasons I manage debt actively instead of hoping for forgiveness in 20 years.   Getting forgiveness is a hassle (each year you have to reapply for it. Rules and disclaimers are bound to change.) The projected forgiveness amount is the

Do it right; so you need No forgiveness-Part I

  Forgiveness program is not all that forgiving. This is a post for those beyond living on borrowed money as students but have yet gotten to the end-of-the-tunnel where fully realized income potential illuminates. In medicine, this transition between accruing student loan debt and