We are our own worst enemies and harshest critics. I find this true frequently of my over-achieving USMLE step students who clearly master the content of medical school curriculum but suffer perpetual test anxiety and disproportionately low performance on standardized
5 Doctor-Proof Tips to Great Wealth: S.P.E.C.T.
Medicine is a profession of acronym, so here is one for your money and wealth. S.P.E.C.T. stands for Simple, Passive, Emotionless, Cheap, & Time. As physicians, we know our trade well, naturally, after spending an average of 23-27 years studying
4 Ways to Tax-Free Money Everyone Should Try
1. Cash back from credit cards. We all need to eat. Buy your groceries, and in fact all your necessities with a credit card with good cash back. While most people settle for cash back of 1-2%, with a little
5 Ways to Optimize Wealth Building Before Your First Attending’s Check
A dollar invested in PGY1 has nearly one more doubling time compared to that 6-10 year-later-invested dollar in your first few attending years. And if you invest this PGY1 dollar in post-tax vehicles such as Roth IRA or Roth 401k,
4 Reasons MS & PGY Should Start Building Wealth Today
Many of us have our mind set on starting to build wealth when we finish training. Some say, “I’ll be making so much more money that what I save now will not matter in comparison.” Others say, “I just can’t