Welcome to the first DWM Net Worth Update. This is inspired by my great friend/ colleague/ fellow blogger Future Proof MD. He’s such a smart and organized dude that I decide to use his template for my net worth updates
Credit Card Companies Offer Credit Watch, Free!
The era of having to pay $19.99/mo to monitor credit score & activities is gone! Credit card companies are offering free credit score and selective credit activity details let & right. One can get great sense of his/her credit health
Financial Heroes: WCI, the Godfather of Physician-Money-Blogger
Since joining the FI (Financial Independence) community, every day I’m discovering more awesome blogs to learn from. So I decided to start a series of guest posts under the “Financial Hero Series.” I got the idea from PoF’s Christopher Guest Post.
The Truth about Money & Happiness by FinanceSuperhero
David launched FinanceSuperhero.com in March 2016. He is on a mission to Restore Order to the World of Finance. He would be honored if you would check out his blog (http://www.financesuperhero.com/) and follow FinanceSuperhero on Twitter (https://twitter.com/FinanceSuperhero). [It is my
$1,100 for 45 Minutes of Your Time
I have always worked really hard: 7 jobs in college ranging from MCAT tutor, college chemistry TA, nanny, to care-taker for the disabled. Then, I worked 2 jobs in medical school while full time mommying + full time studying. Radiology