Ø Serve You came this far, at the opportunity cost of becoming CEO’s of fortune 500 companies, to serve. Nothing else could drive a human being this far against all odds, facing all stressors from all dimensions of life: physical,
2400 Days to Financial Independence
I recently had the honor to virtually meet Mr1500 by PoF’s introduction, who blogs about 1500 days to retirement. I thought it would be fun to share my journey to financial independence as well. I originally wrote Why I Can Retire
Be a Student Loan Terminator. (PMD2)
Do you have student loans? Won’t you love to destroy them and be debt-free? What would you do with the cash flow you free up once your student loans are paid off? I’d like to invite you to join me
Taxes: Benjamin Was Right.
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” — Benjamin Franklin As I explore how best to convey the importance of tax-efficient savings to my peers, I did a little math on how
Q1. I applied to DRB with my current income of $0 with current debt, I got denied. Should I have put my future PGY1 salary on my application? A1. Yes, PGY 1 income. Q2. Refinancing vs. Fed payment with PSLF?