Today I grew rather under the weather again (fever of 102!), but I still have gratitude to express. I’m grateful I made my flight last night and could make my meeting today to move the project of our forever home
365 Days of Gratitude: Day 2.
This is a late entry for January 3rd, for which I missed the deadline by 2 hours and change (assuming midnight PST cutoff). In my defense I had gone out to dinner, then when I returned my mom practically met
(S)LOW BUY: April 2019 Spending Breakdown
I know every month I change things up, but I’m learning that curbing unnecessary spending involves fighting a moving target. When I started spending breakdown for January, I had a problem buying random stuff online I don’t need. It turns
300th Post! YES it’s about PLANTS!
Well, looky here, my our this blog’s 300th post! I have been extraordinarily busy and very absent on this blog, but we still made it to 300! I don’t have any of the more time-consuming serial posts ready yet, so
(S)LOW BUY: March 2019 Spending Breakdown
Happy Tax Day! Last Month’s credit card statements are in, and, here we go: First off, last month I said I needed to watch my Amazon spending, and I happily report I did just that! In March, I made