Plant Appreciation Post: End of the Growing Season!

Well squirrel friends, it’s almost the end of another year. I was hoping I’d get some fall plantings done, but I missed the window to start seedlings indoors, so I’ll just have to appreciate what spring and summer had given

Return to Philly – the picture essay

Return to Philly – the picture essay

When I got back from California, urgent businesses awaited me! All this out of the way, next up for me is probably back to the eBay grind then 🙁

Little Good Things Growing

Little Good Things Growing

One of my favorite sayings of Amanda’s was always “invest in things that grow”, and it just so happened we left our high rise apartment dwelling in the winter after she took her own life, and for the first time

4 Years.

Today makes year 4 since my sister Amanda (the OG Dr. Wise Money) committed suicide. Today I’ve made my bed, put away laundry, organized my spare closet, and taken a bath. Later I’m going to paint my nails for the