365 Days of Gratitude: switching gears

I know, I was having second thoughts, and then promptly stopped updating, ha! I decided that laying in bed at night, dawdling on my phone, trying to sound like a blog post until I either finished or fell asleep, was

Mini Blog Update: New Icon

Brutus the wall mounted staghorn fern is now the avatar or indeed mascot of this here little thang.   Years ago when Amanda first started this blog, her chosen icon was this:   …which I think summed her up really

DIYs: My Patio Bench that I Love/Hate Pt 1

I have been away from desk for a minute, even falling off with my weekly Poetry Ptuesday series for the first time since its inception back in January, my apologies. Life just took over a bit. I also missed a

In which I gave my spider plant a little haircut for my friends

Remember my very appreciated girl? Well, in the last 3 months she has kept up being her beautiful and productive self. Today she got a homemade haircut from me. The trimmings are adventuring to Missouri and California to hopefully become

Ace That Test: The Civics Test for U.S. Naturalization

Okay, so y’all know Ace That Test was a real thing with my late sister Amanda. And though I didn’t receive as much formal schooling, and generally fared worse considering the whole of our academic careers, my sister and I