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Mission of DWM is help the highly educated thrive financially. But there are costs associated with maintaining a site. Any support from you is greatly appreciated!
I came across your blog and saw that you had a number of articles about Student Loans. Splash Financial helps people refinance their student loans to save money, and works with blogs like yours to spread the word. Are you available for a discussion about partnering as an affiliate?
Hi Mark,
Thank you for writing. I want to let you know that this blog has taken an unexpected turn in the last year+. The “Dr. Wise Money” was my late sister, Amanda, who used to write extensively about personal finance. My name is Elva. I run this blog now in my sister’s honor, though I’m woefully much less money savvy. If I can still be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thanks again for your interest.
Enjoyed reading a few of your articles today and impressed by how you have managed to whittle down your debt so quickly. As the author of one of the only business books for doctors (“BEAUTY and the BUSINESS”) I have a tremendous amount of respect for what you are doing.
Keep up the good work and drop me a line sometime. Would love to connect.
Hi Greg,
Thank you for reaching out and your lovely words. Unfortunately my sister is no longer with us. Thank you for your interest. Best to you.- Elva
Great site! I run a medical student related (Scrub Notes) and a radiology blog (The Radiology Blog). I would like to repost one of your articles as well as discuss other ways to collaborate. Please contact me either at the email address below or through the website.
Hi Jay,
Please feel free to repost any article(s) published here as long as you credit my sister, Dr. Wise Money accordingly. Unfortunately future collaborations cannot happen as she is no longer with us. Thank you for reaching out.
Hi, DWM, I’m responding to your message on the WCI forum. This is the only place I could find to contact you. We are using the Student Loan Management Overview for MS4 and beyond flowchart. I am also adding the link you sent to me over the weekend. Cheers!
wonderful thank you, Johanna. I decided to re-arrange and remove the link for high yield in an effort to get more streamlined. i’ll email you all the flow charts and visual i have made so far 🙂 Feel free to use it, help me improve me as you wish! thank you for helping to raise financial awareness among (aspiring) doctors.
Great site! I work for DRB Student Loan, a refinancing operation which specializes in helping graduate professionals lower the cost of their educational debt. We recently rolled out a dedicated program for residents and fellows, where we ask that they pay only $100/month all through training.
I’d love to connect with you to see if there was any way we could work together.