Dr. Martin named my incessant endeavor over the last decade “Physician Support Initiative” P.S.I.– one uniting & empowering grassroots movement for us physicians and our community to unite in making healthier, happier, and more effective doctors. Thank you Dr. Martin for your mentorship and inspiration.

P.S.I. Physician Support Initiative 


P.S.I.  aims to raise awareness, empower, and support doctors & their community in maximizing their individual and collective wellness in all of life’s dimensions, encompassing personal, professional, psycho-social, and financial health.



Dear DWM community,


Yesterday marked the start of a grassroots movement, the Physician Support Initiative.

Thanks to Dr. Diego Martin* who first coined P.S.I. to encompass all my endeavors ranging from tutoring, consulting, blogging, publishing on Physician’s Money Digest, writing books, giving regional and national talks.


If you are a doc, or are married to a doc,  or is close to a doc, or work closely with a doc, or visit a doc, please join us in making healthier, happier, & more effective doctors.


Thank you for your time & consideration in caring for those who volunteer to care for your loved ones and you.


Warmest regards,

Dr. Wise Money.


*Diego R. Martin, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Chairman, Department of Medical Imaging

The Cosden Chair and Professor

College of Medicine and the Department of Biomedical Engineering

University of Arizona

Banner University Medical Center, Tucson

1501 North Campbell Ave. P.O. Box 245067 Tucson, Arizona 85724