5 reasons I manage debt actively instead of hoping for forgiveness in 20 years. Getting forgiveness is a hassle (each year you have to reapply for it. Rules and disclaimers are bound to change.) The projected forgiveness amount is the
Do it right; so you need No forgiveness-Part I
Forgiveness program is not all that forgiving. This is a post for those beyond living on borrowed money as students but have yet gotten to the end-of-the-tunnel where fully realized income potential illuminates. In medicine, this transition between accruing student loan debt and
3 Things Society Doesn’t Know About Doctors
A Chinese folktale goes like this, A magnificent Buddha statute sits at the mountain top where worshipers climb 100’s of 1000’s steps of stairs to arrive at his foot and to kneel down in prayers. One day, the slab
DWM Grand Rounds #1: Doc-to-Doc on Personal Finance

Title: Doc-to-Doc on Personal Finance & Physician Support Initiative Highlights: Student loan management Public Service Loan Forgiveness Maximize Tax Efficiency/ Investment Return Physician Support Initiative P.S.I. Date & Time: Location: July 6th, 2016 12-1 pm
PSLF – Why REPAYE May NOT be the Best Plan.

[This is a guest post by Bo Liu aka Future Proof M.D., who runs http://futureproofmd.com/ He is a colleague in the field of radiology and a comrade in the mission of promoting financial literacy and empowerment among physicians.