We did get vegan dim sum today!Besides food, I’m also grateful for our pied-á-terre in the city. It’s so nice to have a little foothold of our own and be able to visit any time without dealing with hotel hassle.I also was expressing to the boy how people essentially go on vacation for a view. Whether you’re traveling to a metropolitan city or a nature reserve, people go to spend their time, for the scenery. Everytime we come back to our apartment in NY, and I wake up to our views, I can’t help but feel like I’m on vacation. I’m also cognizant of the fact that many people do travel from afar to walk these very streets and look out on the Hudson.
The water looks like a wet parking lot right now lol
We’re back to homebase first thing tomorrow morning, ready to hit the work week before it’s off to Anguilla!
You guys, today I’m grateful for friends and Mini and the little thoughtfulness that will remain with me forever. While I was in LA, my dear friend surprised me with a little paper. It was… (drum rolls please) the text of Mini’s speech from my wedding!
I won’t reveal the text within because I didn’t ask permission
I can’t believe my friend hung onto this. I shall treasure it forever.
And there’s more good and beautiful news! I have a rattlesnake plant (calathea) that had spent its first year with me, very, very grumpy.
This was actually the beginning of her recovery from very near death
But just look at her now!
I’m thankful for this gorgeous turn of events. Until tomorrow then, lovies.
Edit: I fell off the wagon (asleep) on day 8, which is pretty embarrassing. In my defense since the boy is also sick I wasn’t going to clickity clack on my bright screen and compromise his rest (also I fell asleep before him, but anyway). My own cough woke me up and I tried valiantly to make the following, which I will finish now.
Here I am nearly missing (totally fudging) my deadline again, for shame.
Truthfully I wasn’t feeling particularly grateful. I’ve been sick for an entire week, and yesterday the boy succumbed to my ickies. Queue double the misery ’round here. But guess what, this is the time to go back to basics. Honestly I write this as I’m intermittently coughing so hard it makes me sneeze/dry-heave (? is this okay? are any doctors reading this lol), so it’s far from a pretty picture here. But the point of practicing gratitude everyday is that we don’t just feel grateful when we feel on top of the world. Feeling grateful on days like this takes away from the time I’d otherwise spend being down and stressed.
Plus, I’ve been having a grand old time watching ALL of the Gourmet Makes. I am damn grateful the brave and bright Clarie Saffitz have conquered so many fearsome culinary waters for us. She’s an honest to goodness hero.
Just gotta sit tight for the end of illness ahead. I’m undoubtedly on the mend, so why fret? And, only one week until Anguilla! I haven’t left the country in 18 years. This trip is so long overdue, excited is an understatement. What’s the use in looking back? I’m gonna be on my feet again! Onward!
Today I posted a normal temperature for the first time! Hooray 98.7! Unfortunately I didn’t take a picture and when I went to take my temperature for the night, I posted 101.1 at 8 hours unmedicated. I did half think I would still have a normal range temperature that I could brag about (yes, it’s the little things), but it was sheer hubris.
Regardless, today I manage to get our dogs seen by the vet in preparation for their first international trip (and we humans’, in decades!) so I’m happy to check that off the list. Also quite excited for this upcoming trip, despite all the hoops it had us jumping through.
Tomorrow I’m hopeful for a little more energy, and I hope to knock some chores off of my to do list, which will invariably make me feel a little better about the state of things.
Today yours truly is pretty ragged. My fever climbed to 103 at noon, but was lowered by nyquil to a reasonable 100. So I’m grateful for modern medicine. I also contemplated going into the hospital for some prescription medication and maybe an IV to combat dehydration. I ended up opting to stay put and monitor the going-ons myself for a day more. But I’m grateful for health insurance so I have choices. I had to skip therapy today because my therapist has a toddler and I felt it would be irresponsible to expose her and her kid to my germs. I’m bummed to miss out on therapy but consider myself lucky to have that set up in the first place. I’m grateful I have what I have so I can miss it once in a while.
Alrighty then, fingers crossed tomorrow I’ll be on the other side of this.