Thoughts for a Thursday – Dear Amanda

True to her seemingly tireless nature, and owing sadly to her mania, in addition to everything else she did, my sister Amanda was also a (self-)published author of several books. The Young Physician’s Guide to Money and Life stands apart from her other publications as the only one with a co-author (the endlessly wonderful Dave Denniston of Freedom Formula for Physicians Podcast) as well as the only one published posthumously. In fact she essentially abandoned the then unfinished book to Dave.

Besides furnishing his own writings, Dave braved organizing the chapters, finalizing editing, coordinating design, and generally seeing this arduous project to completion. He approached me to write a preface, and was incredibly respectful and supportive. It greatly comforts me to know Amanda spent time working with someone like him at the end.

When I drafted my preface, I found that though I wanted to address potential readers, I also had a lot I wished I could say to Amanda. So I ended up writing two different versions. Dave wisely chose the version intended for the book’s readers to include. And here below is what I wrote to Amanda then.


Plant Appreciation Post: Spider Plant

Today I want to show off my spider plant I got last summer.

back in July, about a month after I got Miss Thing here, she showed her appreciation for the skylight in the pilot house with a little bloomin’ action


Only three weeks later (July 20 – Aug 13) and she was Really getting going

Around this time, I began to cut off the babies (once they’d developed aerial roots), and setting those in water for propagation.

I was so successful that when The Boy’s annual holiday dinner for his department rolled around, I was able to give away a bunch as party favors

And here’s how she’s lookin’ now, pretty adorable, eh?

Though recently I spotted these absolute units in Manhattan

So I know my baby still has a-ways to go


Happy Wednesday, y’all!

Breaking up with My Amazon Wish List Items

Here are a list of things I don’t need to buy, and the reasons why:


Black leather booties: I already have black leather booties. But these look like they have better traction, past me protests. When I need traction, such as when the ground is wet, I probably shouldn’t be wearing leather anyway. Oh yeah, and these are leather, rude to cows. Next!


“I read that the formula was not clumpy but still satisfyingly thick”– past me. And? Me Today? “No thanks, I never wear makeup.”

I already have a Rhodia notebook I enjoy, which still has 3/4+ crisp, pristine pages to go. And no I don’t need to periodically check if it goes on sale so I can snag a spare. I can spend my time better than that.  

Great, another puzzle. “Honestly if nearly half of all your 30th birthday presents you received were puzzles, you probably have a problem. At the very least, you know you don’t have any business buying yourself anymore puzzles.”– Me Today.


Whew! That felt good!