“I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.”
Hula by Lisa Shea
I’m trying to make use of what I already have during my (s)low buy, and a big part of the whole complex, multi-prong effort involves catching my “read” pile up to my “bought” pile of books.
First Lines Friday – Calypso by David Sedaris
For my birthday last month, I received a copy of David Sedaris’s Calypso along with a 1000 piece puzzle made up of cartoon dogs. What can I say, some folks know me real darn well.
Poetry Ptuesday – Poem for Claude by Paul Pines
Paul Pines is the author of My Brother’s Madness, a memoir of his brother, Claude, who suffered from schizophrenia.
(S)LOW BUY: The Beginning
Though I’m not one for New Year resolutions (either making them or sticking to them), I have marinated on curbing my mindless spending for a minute now.