It was a pleasure to have “sat” with Johanna Fox CPA,CPF,RLP this early Saturday morning (via face time, in the comforts of our respective home offices.) As I need more tax-efficient space to save money beyond (my Roth IRA, Roth
Mini’s College Fund, 529 Qualified Tuition Plan: Intro Part I
Mini is finishing 3rd grade this year. In another short 9 years, she will be heading to college. I should have started her college savings yesterday, but like most PGY’s, I took care of my own student debt and
Net worth building steps in residency Part II
For the super savers, as you have managed to get your 4% employer match, max out your 18k annual contribution limit to 401k/403b, AND max out your 5.5k ROTH IRA. Here are some more steps you can take to build your
DWM meets WCI (in person)
WCI (White Coat Investor) gave a lecture at our associated medical school today, geared towards residents and fellows. One very important question he asked the audience was along the line of “what percentage of your income do you plan to
Say what? 5 million dollars in 36 years?? on an intern’s income???
I met with Damond Petersen, a Workplace Planning and Guidance Consultant from Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC today and learned some awesome things. I am not retiring tomorrow, but I’m certainly planning for retirement today 🙂 #1 If i continue to save at my