I love credit cards. They have helped me pay for medical school expenses/tuition on 0% APR, reduced my overall med school debt by 60k in interest, given me lots of cash back & rewards, allowed me to channel my cash flow into my retirement and Mini’s
Top 10 Ways Mini Will Pay for Her College… on Her Own (Mostly)
I just started funding Mini’s 529 this year with goal of maxing out first 2 years @ 14k each. I’m front loader in all things I deem worthwhile: studying, investing, or building businesses. Since Mini can be heading to college
Acing Your Credit Score
Whether you are buying a house, a car, or refinancing student loans, lenders look at your credit scores (from 3 national credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) to evaluate the risks they take on by lending you money. Understanding, safe-guarding, and maxing your
Timing Credit Trough’s
Dear Readers, I have a confession to make. I recently got my personal record low credit score of 717 (based on experian credit bureau, my transunion credit score is still 740, but down from 800; haven’t checked my equafax credit score.)
FICO score simulator, awesome tool!
I recently found this tool available to me at my experian account. Pretty useful! Much of what I learned through years of experiences/self education are summarized AND simulated in this tool. Wished that I had this earlier, so I’m eager to