To my family, strive to be in community, so that when this day comes, you will not feel like you have been undone.
After 10 Years Together
I have realized thatNo, losing you would not belike losing the sunI already knowthat the world and of course even I would go onIt would not be like losing airI would not simply drown Might it be like losing the
Helpless to Help
Today I had an eye-opening but ultimately unproductive discussion with someone I care about dearly. This person refused my help. They specifically requested that I do not treat them any different and that I treat them like normal. They didn’t
It Is Completely Okay to Speak Ill of the Dead
Hundreds of people reached out to me after Amanda’s frighteningly sudden suicide. Elementary, middle and high school friends of hers from Taipei emailed me. Former teachers and professors from her high school in LA tracked me down. Her colleagues
Today I had a frustrating experience
And it is 100% in my power to resolve the emotional fallout.