For a Friend

媽媽走了以後會有人說真不敢相信她還那麼年輕 媽媽走了以後有朋友說是時候開始了我們都到了這個年紀一定的年齡階段 媽媽走了以後你說不要哭其實我還OK 問你是不是一個人在醫院你說沒有你在陪著媽媽 你說媽媽一直都在你身邊

From “We Measure the World with Our Bodies” by Tsering Yangzom Lama

This is my sister’s nature. But I want to tell her: In the next life, yes, we can both go wherever we please. In the next life, we will be free and safe and happy. We will grow under our