Make and drink organic fruit/veggie/seeds smoothie. Daily organic smoothie is way cheaper than Starbucks Latte and does incredible things for your bowels, energy, and health. Cook at home. Cooking with your spouse can be the start of a romantic
5 Lessons a Harvard-Stanford Trained Radiologist Taught Me
I recently had to see a dear mentor off, as she leaves UA medical imaging to join her family on the East Coast. She was a gem in our program. Many people were really sad to see her leave, but
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Top 5 Mistakes Which Made Me Money Wise Today There’s Chinese folktale. There is temple on a mountain so high that people believe it reaches the heaven. In the temple, sits the statue of a Buddha, which took 100
Medicine: The Ultimate Inhumane Pursuit of Humanity
One of my mentors whom I look up to in life recently announced her retirement, she wrote, “It’s time for me to take care of my loved ones and myself. I’ve delayed, de-prioritized, sacrificed those closest to me as I care
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I recently started writing for Physician’s Money Digest. It has been great fun, reaching so many doctors/ aspiring doctors on such a reputable discussion forum. An awesome bonus is every unique reader/visitor of any one of my articles on PMD generates a