My Life by Mini

My Life by Mini

My life is small tale that people won’t know Because my life is a thing that I can not say My life is a thing that I can not write My life is me, myself, & I And that will

A Mother’s Love & Pride Collide: DWM’s Letter to MWM

A Mother’s Love & Pride Collide: DWM’s Letter to MWM

This is a letter I wrote to MWM after watching her long-anticipated Aladdin (a school play performed by Sunrise Drive Elementary students), during which I felt my heart was wrenched.     Dearest sweetie pie, I love you. I realized

Takes a village to raise a kid

“It takes a village to raise a kid”; I believe it takes a village to raise a family, which includes the grandparents, parents, and kids.   Traditional Chinese culture teaches whole-hearted reciprocation of love and care for our parents. Multi-generational

Girl Meets Boy: Sharing Dollar Value with Your Significant Other

My significant other grew up in a entirely different world from mine in many dimensions: cultural, social, economic, and psychological. I was born and raised in Asia, in a developing country. He was born and raised in the US, a developed country.

DWM’s parents

I love my parents. They’ve made me who I am from the day I was a fetus inside my mother’s belly. I would like to share a few wonderful things that my parents have taught me with their actions, words, and thoughts.