Plant Appreciation Post: End of the Growing Season!
Well squirrel friends, it’s almost the end of another year. I was hoping I’d get some fall plantings done, but I missed the window to start seedlings indoors, so I’ll just have to appreciate what spring and summer had given
Return to Philly – the picture essay

When I got back from California, urgent businesses awaited me! All this out of the way, next up for me is probably back to the eBay grind then 🙁
Money Diary a la R29 but then I fell into The Time Sludge mid-week

DAY 1 – $0 6:20A My little dog needs to go potty. I take her to the roof deck. It was her sister’s Gotcha Day yesterday and they had cake for dinner… could cake be the culprit for this rude
Plant Stand Part 3 of 3!!!
Yesterday the saga came to a conclusion. Here is part one and part two of the snail’s pace progress I made over the last few weeks. I didn’t work on it over the weekend. It actually says Cambodian Rock Band,