After writing up my first peer-to-peer presentation on personal finance for PGY’s, I decided to divide the presentation up into 2-3 posts as these slides illustrate important points. Since high interest rate student loan is one of the MAJOR way
What should I do? 350k @ 6.8% interest rate, 3 more years of training.

I recently met a colleague in the surgical field, who’s in his 4th year of training, with 3 more years to go. His numbers may apply to many at the same level of training. I figure I can take this
Not going for PSLF? Why wait to lower your interest rate?
If you are quite sure that you will not go for PSLF, why not lower your interest rate TODAY and benefit form the savings now until the day you pay it off? Reasons you decided to turn away from PSLF my
PSLF is a trap for the wishful.
Some of my friends are going for loan forgiveness. They owe 300-400k at graduation, and will probably owe about 450-600k when they finish residency. They opt to let their debt grow with the 7% interest with hopes of have this debt
Debt free and Debt leverage
This series of posts is sparked by an ongoing conversation with my fellow radiology resident Bo Liu (no relation to me) of Re: student debt management and net worth accumulation. Our discussions cover many bases, so I will address individual key points in separate posts.