Are you scratching your head for gift ideas? For most of us, we have everything we need. It is increasingly hard to come up with gifts that really add value to one’s life. Does my kid need yet another toy?
Investment portfolio
My investment portfolio is stupid simple and passive. I buy the US stock market and hold for at least 3 decades. 100% stocks for now, will re-balance as my risk tolerance decreases with age/nearing retirement. I know of an financially
Best of Both Worlds: How to Truly Maximize Your Roth Funds
My mentor WCI, recently wrote a post “9 Ways to Expend Your Roth Space.” The link will lead you to his website/article. His advice regarding finances has always been fantastic, but I see a unsolved dilemma facing most people. IE, when you
DWM meets WCI (in person)
WCI (White Coat Investor) gave a lecture at our associated medical school today, geared towards residents and fellows. One very important question he asked the audience was along the line of “what percentage of your income do you plan to
Need motivation?
Need motivation to save more for retirement? Check this link out, “How does your retirement savings progress stack up?” For age 30-39 year old, the national stats are: Average Contribution Rate* 7% Average Account Balance $40,500 For age 30-39