Holiday Gifting – Ground Rules

I meant to write this post earlier, but as I’ve procrastinated for such a long time we’re now fully living in the “holiday shopping season” so we just have to get basic here. Numbered lists are our friends. 1. Re-gifting

(S)LOW BUY: April 2019 Spending Breakdown

I know every month I change things up, but I’m learning that curbing unnecessary spending involves fighting a moving target. When I started spending breakdown for January, I had a problem buying random stuff online I don’t need. It turns

(S)LOW BUY: February 2019 Spending Breakdown

Last month’s bank statement is in, and I spent:   February 1 — $52.35, — Remember in January when I bought a bunch of stuff on sale from NM? Two days later, I received an email stating that an

(S)LOW BUY: January 2019 Spending Breakdown

I’m trying to up my savings game. In my book, the first chapter is always an honest look at where I stand.

(S)LOW BUY: The Beginning

Though I’m not one for New Year resolutions (either making them or sticking to them), I have marinated on curbing my mindless spending for a minute now.