What would you do with 80k cash flow over 2 years? Pay down/off student loan? Buy your first home? Buy a second home? Pay off credit cards? Max out ROTH space? Max out pre-tax retirement savings? Buy term life insurance?
Debt free and Debt leverage
This series of posts is sparked by an ongoing conversation with my fellow radiology resident Bo Liu (no relation to me) of whitecoatmoney.com Re: student debt management and net worth accumulation. Our discussions cover many bases, so I will address individual key points in separate posts.
Awesome ways people have paid for their education
Since I started this site, many have shared with me ways that they have paid for their med school. I’ve asked a few people to write their success stories as guest posts, hopefully they will get on it and send
Residency: The financial bitter-sweet spot
Many of my colleagues see residency as the hardest financial years because student debt of 300-400k is compounding away at 6-9% annual income is about 50k-70k depending post-graduate-year work hours are long: 80+hrs/wk there is no money, after monthly expenses, to
#1 Financial rule I lived by in med school
Minimize and delay borrowing student loans as much as possible Goes without saying, the more you delay the onset of loan origination and associated fees, the more you delay interest ballooning. Time value of money is against as when someone